Monday, June 13, 2011

Tips for Anti-Malaria Medication

The worst part about traveling to India has been the anti-malaria pills. Being pumped with vaccines was bad enough, but to take a pill everyday that gives you stomach and head pains is a whole other story. The thought of ditching these pills has already crossed my mind. A lot. But then my boyfriend's voice echoes in my mind, the lectures he gave me about being safe and taking all the health precautions. So I'm left with no choice but to take the stupid pills.

Trail and error has taught me valuable tricks to taking these horrific pills. A few tips:

1. Take them at the same time everyday so you don't forget.

2. Take them immediately after you eat dinner! If you take them before you eat, nausea sets in quickly and lunch is lost. If you eat them hours after you eat, headaches consume you and dinner is lost.

3. Why after dinner and not lunch? They make you kind of sleepy and lazy, so best not to waste the day's energy.

4. Carry them around in your bag so you have them wherever you are. If you eat out and don't have them, you'll have to take them later and trouble ensues.

I hope these tips can help other travelers along the way. I learn these lessons the hard way so you don't have to. If nothing else, they are helpful for me to reinterate to myself so I can stop the anti-maleria madness inside my body! It's really not pretty~

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