Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hostel Hotness

The only time I ever stayed in a hostel was in Amsterdam 2006. My itinerary got messed up and I arrived there at night 2 days before my hotel could accomodate me. There was a major soccor game going and every place was full. I finally found a hostel that would let me stay. When I ask how much, the creepy man tells me I can stay for free in his bed! I threw 50 euro at him and told him to go fuck himself. He set me up in a cot in the kitchen and I slept with a knife, ready to shank him if needbe. Luckily, I left the next morning without further incident.

Needless to say, I was hesitant to stay in a hostel in France. But my experience here is completely opposite. There are cool people from all over the world who want to have a good time, so for traveling alone it makes it super easy to make friends. Sleeping in a room with 13 other people isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but thank god the guy who snores checked out yesterday. This hostel has a bar with beers for 1 euro! There's even ample computers with free wi-fi, but no access to skype, excel, word, etc. Now I'm getting greedy. Apparently, I can't have a traveling production house as easily as I thought. But I'm probably the only traveler needing to scan documents and make business calls so if you're just looking to party, hostels are the new hotness!
A slight ammendment to this post: A man here was found watching beastiality porn in the common room. Of course the creeper is in my room. The guy tries to get me to go to the beach with him everyday and told me I look like a beautiful pig. Hmmmmmmm......

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