Friday, July 8, 2011

Adventures in Filming

I had big plans today. I'm filming a short video on India for the local NGO Be The Key and I was really excited to explore the city with camera in hand. With my tentative shot list, I headed out the door and was immediately met with drizzle. I'm no sissy girl, so I put on a head scarf (which made me feel super authentic) and marched on.

Cut to: me staking out my first shot at a nearby school. Suddenly, the skies open up and dump me with buckets of rain. Like a drowned rat, I scurried away and snuck into a local restaurant. Disappointment set in as I realized another day would be wasted indoors. Stupid monsoons...

One of my best, and worst, qualities is my determination and I vowed to make it a day of adventure. Afterall, my pants were only wet up to my knees. And I'm no sissy girl! So I hired a cab and went on my way, despite the non-stop down pour. When the world gives you rain, you might as well sing in it.
 Here's a few stills from the days adventures.

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