Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I've been watching a lot of French movies lately that explore a common theme: the idea that the smallest of events can greatly affect the rest of your life. And the power strangers have over these events. But really, they're not strangers. You might not know them, but it's pretty much guaranteed that someone you have come in contact with has come in contact with them. And these life-changing events are seemingly predetermined. Ce qui doit arriver arrive. Call it what you will; Destinée, Sort (Fate), or my favorite, Synchronicité.

Let's say that this French cinematic way of looking at the chaotic world we live in is spot on and destiny really does exist. Sometimes I do feel like more of a passenger in my life than the driver. Better yet, I'm on cruise control. Waiting for universal guidance on what actions to take eliminates unnecessary work and helps me create things easily and effortlessly. I watch for little life clues to show me the way. But nothing is overnight and the natural order of being is wider than our personal plans.

This is where you come in and take the role of almighty co-creator of your life. Plant the seeds of what you want, tend to your garden and watch it bloom. When the Universe serves up one of these moments, rise to the occasion and meet it half way. Manifest the life you want to lead.

But don’t be attached to any outcome. Remember those strangers who aren’t really strangers at all? They really do affect the ebbs and flows around you, whether you realize it or not. We are all connected and affect each other’s destinies. So smile and meet eyes with those strangers, they might just affect the rest of your life in ways you could only dream of.

Look for signs of synchronicity unfolding~

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