Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Meaning of Life

Confess, express, discuss. Divulge, proclaim, make a statement. Step inside...
Why are we here? Where are we going? What does it all mean? What is the nature of your reality?

Friday, January 14, 2011

History of a 3 Week Tour

France and Switzerland highlights reel. Natural beauty, adventure and love. Love, love, love, love.

Monday, January 3, 2011

An End to Fear and Doubt

New Years is a time for resolutions and I have many. One is a newfound dedication to end Fear and Doubt. We all doubt ourselves and fear not only failure, but success. So counter-intuitive, but so true. So I start the New Year out psyched and ready to conquer anything that comes my way. 

Cut to the very next day. Fear creeps in. What if this happens, and what if this doesn’t happen? But this time I realized the feeling. Felt it deeply, meditated on it, sat with it and asked it to stay awhile. For me, fear grips me right below the rib cage. My muscles tense slightly and my heart races. What does fear feel like for you? 

Once you truly feel it, recognize it, you can embrace it. And then it vanishes as fast as it came. Facing fear and doubt head on actually brings empowerment. But fear plans its eminent return and that’s okay. I’m ready for it. Ready to embrace it, ready to transcend it, ready to turn it into power. 

I choose to accept my fate as it unfolds, which brings an end to fear and doubt. And so for life my heart glows with so much enthusiasm, it could elevate me to heaven~